Supporting Your Students' Mental Health
Course Summary
This course is focused on the promotion of mental health in schools. It is crucial to understand that without looking more deeply at the humanity of our students, it can often be quite futile to work on academic skills. We live in a very different world compared to the one in which we grew up. In addition, the world is continuously changing. Considering that we can not anticipate and teach all of the academic skills that children will need in the future, we can, instead, be of great benefit to them, by thinking of mental health and giving them skills to suppotr themselves or others. In order to teach those skills, we first need to be a good model of what we are teaching. For that, we do not need an extensive knowledge of human psychology, but just a simple understanding of human development and the features of each stage, as we gradually expand skills in our repertoire to support healthy development. In that way, we can adapt our approach and also better recognize our students' needs.
5-day course: 400 €
6-day course: 480 €
7-day course: 560 €
Dates | Duration | Location | Confirmed | Registration |
Course Detailed Description
This course is focused on the promotion of mental health in schools. It is crucial to understand that without looking more deeply at the humanity of our students, it can often be quite futile to work on academic skills. We live in a very different world compared to the one in which we grew up. In addition, the world is continuously changing. Considering that we can not anticipate and teach all of the academic skills that children will need in the future, we can, instead, be of great benefit to them, by thinking of mental health and giving them skills to suppotr themselves or others. In order to teach those skills, we first need to be a good model of what we are teaching. For that, we do not need an extensive knowledge of human psychology, but just a simple understanding of human development and the features of each stage, as we gradually expand skills in our repertoire to support healthy development. In that way, we can adapt our approach and also better recognize our students' needs.
Of course, that story is not complete without a focus on the mental health of teachers. And we all know that to teach something in a good way, we should be good at applying it ourselves. After this course, participants will have a better understanding of:
a concept of mental health
the importance of the school’s involvement in students’ mental health
child development and strategies to promote healthy development
skills that we can use to support students, but also our colleagues
ways that a school can support students, but also, its staff
Participants will also be encouraged to participate in a scenario-based practice through which they will get to know some of the teacher/parent/friend strategies suggested by the World Health Organization that can be applied while approaching various students' mental health scenarios.
*Please note that the course schedule provided on this website for the 6-day course is intended as an example only. The actual schedule may vary according to the needs and preferences of the group attending the course.
Upon registration for the course, attendees will be provided with a finalized schedule tailored to the specific course they have booked. This schedule will include details such as session times, topics covered, and any additional activities planned.
For any questions or concerns regarding the course schedule, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Day 1
Course outline
Ice-breaking activities
Introduction of the participants, their goals for the class and their challenges, school presentations
Mental health - Why should schools be invested in their students mental health
Guided city tour
Day 2
Malsow's pyramid and mental health from behavioral point of view
Child development - areas and stages
Moral development
Day 3
Characteristics of a supporting school
Characteristics of a supporting teacher
Supporting teachers
The role of parents
Day 4
Teachers are not therapists, but they need some therapeutic skills
Free screening tools for teachers and parents
Day 5
Addressing student mental health in school - WHO recommendations
Workshop + self evaluation
Day 6
Course evaluation
Certificate awarding
Excursion and other external cultural activities
Note: The program will be dynamic and interactive. The schedule may change based on the issues posed by the participants and the real resolution processes in which we engage. Excursion plans for any given course may also affect the agenda.
Course outcomes
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
better understand mental health
understand the depth and interconnecting factors of one's mental health
understand why it is important for schools to invest more time and effort into mental
health of their students -
better understand child development through stages and areas
recognize characteristics of a supportive environment
understand how to create supportive environment
use some therapeutic skills necessary to facilitate supportive environment
understand different needs of different mental health disorders